Leadership and Communication updated at 2024-03-04

Leadership and Communication


Leadership is a broad subject, but I can conceptualize what it means to be a leader and lead people, at least according to my experience:

Leading is using a sense of self-responsibility to generate value through people; in practice, it's like making good use of a GPS where the final destination is people with achieved results.

What do I do to get the best performance from a team?

It starts and ends with communication generating momentum and results. It involves being well-resolved with yourself and your goals and being able to communicate that in a positive way. No one wants to follow someone without a destination and defeated. That said, you need to have a GPS with a relevant destination and know how to communicate it in a way that people want to come along.

Here are some things I think are important for those who want to lead people and teams:


Perhaps the greatest characteristic of a leader. The feeling that we need to solve and forward solutions. In the end, it's about taking care of people, investing in them, seeking relevant results for everyone.

Decompiling people

I love this topic, I have studied and study people and behavior. It has to do with a concern with how much you can enhance people's performance through pattern recognition.

Do People Fear Change?

This question is quite popular. Let me offer my perspective.

While the most common response I hear is "yes". I would say "no." I'll explain.

Our most primitive and natural behavior drives us to explore new things as part of an expansion movement; this is how we recognize growth, which in turn leads us to a happy and wealthy state of mind. However, we also have a self-defense mechanism robust enough to hold us, rooted in a fear that isn't exactly a fear of change but rather the fear of the unknown. Those who appear to fear change are likely more afraid of what follows the change—the unknown aspects they can't control and, perhaps, what could potentially harm them. This is where the importance of leadership comes into play. Leaders should communicate effectively to reassure their teams about the freedom to experiment, expand, create, and more. This ensures that team members understand they have a secure base to return to, learn from their experiences, and try again if anything goes wrong.


I can't stand the idea of living by condition, not in a passive way about it. I live to react because I assume that's my responsibility starting with myself, but also with my followers. Feeling is a right, but reacting is a responsibility. Before it works out or goes wrong, I try to understand if the result of my work will take me where I want to be. If the destination on this GPS is not where I want to be, it's not my job, and I need to be careful not to do someone else's job, except on very special occasions, as that would be like stealing from a colleague the opportunity they have to grow, in addition to having great potential to escalate problems that shouldn't be with you.


5 things that people with a sense of self-responsibility see differently from other people:

Solving problems

You don't solve a big problem. David defeating Goliath is a good example of that. Ask me why.

Generating new leaders

Leaders generate leaders.

3 things I think are important for those who want to lead people and teams or for those who are thinking about handing over a team to a leadership candidate:

Subtle but relevant differences

I see most of people ignore the differences between some words, and tht makes our life harder. Here are some that I try to keep my eyes on:

Communication challenge

A big challenge for those in the leader's chair is keeping their feet on the ground. It's a constant effort and will vary according to the person, moment and situation.

Another big challenge is always our EGO. I mentally translate that word whenever I hear it as "Trap". The EGO is the part of our personality that lives from our past, and that needs to show its value by taking its content from there and projecting it into the future. It rips you out of the present and reality, with great capacity to sabotage your plans in terms of evolution, growth, expansion, and of course, innovation.

Some thoughts on leadership

"I, I, I"

Be careful with people who say "I" a lot, it's usually not very good for you. This kind of people already knows what they want and they don't wanna grow together, they just need your to solve their problems.


When it comes to team, a leader asks questions, they help build the team's GPS, clearly defining the destination and route options.

A manager says "I want, I don't want".


Those who have a reason know why they are doing it.

A leader maintains a clear and updated GPS, and communicates it clearly and positively. A manager says "I want, I don't want" and is usually the most responsible for a common problem between the technology team and the

Bonates.com, 2024. Reach me at [email protected]